Manteca Wetland Mitigation & Permitting

Wetland Delineation and 404/401 Permitting for the French Camp Canal Outlet Improvements and Water Park Project
De Novo performed a routine on-site wetland delineation following the 1987 Corps Delineation Manual and Arid West Supplement for the project. The surveys included taking paired data points within/outside of each feature to determine the wetland boundaries. Data points were recorded utilizing a Trimble GPS with sub-foot accuracy. Standard data (vegetation, soil, hydrology, top of bank, and ordinary high water mark) were recorded on standard wetland delineation and ordinary high water mark sheets. A Preliminary Wetland Delineation Report was submitted to the USACE for review. The project will culminate with a 404 permit, 401 certification, and Streambed Alteration Agreement.

Wetland Mitigation Bank Draft Prospectus
De Novo prepared a Draft Mitigation Bank Prospectus to identify the planning, establishment, operation, and maintenance of a mitigation bank. The idea of the mitigation bank was designed to preserve, restore, and establish wetlands, which has ancillary benefits for special-status species known to use wetlands in the region. The submittal of this document initiated formal involvement by the USACE in the mitigation bank review process.