ACTC Biological Studies

Biological Field Surveys for the State Route 88/Pine Grove Corridor Improvement Project
De Novo performed field surveys for biological resources and prepared a biological constraints analysis for the State Route 88/Pine Grove Corridor Improvement Project on behalf of Amador County Transportation Commission. The project involved a De Novo biologist traversing the project site on foot, as well as a windshield survey conducted within an approximately five-mile radius of the project site. The purpose of the reconnaissance-level survey was to document the biological conditions within the project site and vicinity in order to identify the habitat types and the appropriate timing for surveys during the floristic period. Botanical surveys were then performed during the floristic period to document rare and endangered plants. Aerial photographs of the project site were also examined to assess any changes that have occurred from historical aerial photos. The project will ultimately require a Natural Environmental Study and potentially a Biological Assessment following Caltrans and Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) protocols.

Biological Resources Assessment for the Plymouth Transportation Improvement Project
De Novo performed field surveys along select roadway right-of-ways throughout the City of Plymouth under contract to the Amador County Transportation Commission. The results of the surveys were published in the Biological Resources Assessment for the City of Plymouth Circulation Improvement Project