Sebastopol General Plan Update and EIR

The De Novo team prepared a comprehensive update to the Sebastopol General Plan.  The update included a comprehensive community outreach process that included Community Visioning workshops, community-oriented meetings with the General Plan Advisory Group, open houses, and numerous meetings and workshops with the Planning Commission and City Council to ensure that issues were appropriate and comprehensively addressed.  Deliverables included  a detailed Existing Conditions Report, an Issues and Opportunities Report, a GPAC Draft General Plan, a Public Review Draft General Plan, the Final General Plan, and the supporting CEQA documentation.  Preparation of a comprehensive update to the City’s Housing Element was completed and the Housing Element was certified by HCD.

The updated General Plan provides the City with a General Plan that focuses on economic development, increased housing opportunities, and conservation of the surrounding rural/agricultural character.  The growth pattern focuses primarily on in-fill growth, allowing for increased densities and building intensities in the Downtown area.